miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2021

 why having a diary its cool and important ?

you might think, that these are the kind of thinks that little girls do. but on the contrary, a lot of important people have a diary, on the old days of grece the philosophers had a diary to understand themselfs better. 

have a diary its an important development actitivity, becase writing you can express yourself as you want. you don't have to pay attention to the other opinion, you have to organise your ideas, your feelings. once upon your ideas are in order you can express yourself better and make you understand on appropiate way and when you write and express your feelings, you are saving yourself an pyschologist on a lot of cases. 

maybe if you make something important, your diary its going to be studied and analysed. 

anyways, writing about you, its a good way to understand you and lear about you. if you know yourself better, you are going to make better decisions.

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