miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2021

 Why learning English language is very important?

(it seens to be not possible to link my video: so, I'll put the link righ here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fbhv7y9DVN0&t=1s )

If we look at the stadistics the most learned language in the world is english. Yes, its English, not Madarin. this is true because all the non speaker countries has the necessity of learning these language, in the other hand, mandarin could be the first country with more native speakers in the world, both not a lot of people are interested in learn these language.

But why people from not Anglophone countries choose to motivate the people to learn English or the people individually studie these language ?

In first place, the business reason. Around the world the people make agreements with others using the english as a chosen language.  

The second reason, its academic reason. The content and the studies published in english are coarse and with an excellent quality, so, if you want to have access to all these knowledge you will have to improve your language skills. But, you can find a lot of knowledge traslated to your own language, didn't you? yes but typically the traslations has a lot of mistakes like making a grammatical translation of the English, in other words, you are going to miss a lot of things that are only for the club of English speakers. 

Third reason, do you want to travel around the globe, don't you? Knowing English you can have the possibility to speak with people around the world, because everybody are agree with the fact that the English is the Global language, so, you may have troubles to speak the native language of all the countries that you want to visit, but, in all those countries will be someone that can understand you on English.